
Seventer (Nely van)

  • s. xx4/4–xxi
  • (agents)
Seventer, Nely van, “The Welsh Tiburtina: one text, two translations”, PhD thesis, Aberystwyth University, 2019.
Aberystwyth University: <link>
Seventer, Nely van, “The translation of the Sibylla Tiburtina into Middle Welsh”, in: Aled Llion Jones, and Maxim Fomin (eds), Y geissaw chwedleu: proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica, 8, Bangor: University of Wales, Bangor, 2018. 109–118.
Seventer, Nely van, “Vannetais van de kust”, Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 56 (November, 2012): 2–5.
Seventer, Nely van, “International Congress of Celtic Studies 2011”, Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 52 (November, 2011): 12–13.


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September 2019